
Digital Experience Monitoring: What it is & Why!

What it is Digital Experience Monitoring

It is no secret – the boundaries between IT and service providers, applications and services, and enterprise and consumer hardware are blurring. And that’s a good thing!

Why? Because IT teams around the world have used these new ways of consuming and managing IT to support a more agile and productive workforce. Just think about how inhibiting it would be for our end-users and employees if all of our enterprise apps and services had to be created and managed in-house!

But these blurred boundaries are also a concern for groups who understand that the quality of digital interactions between end-users, business processes and technologies have direct correlations to business productivity.

As a result, those groups are now turning to Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) technologies for visibility into the state of their IT and, most importantly, for visibility into their IT environment’s impact on productivity.

In fact, “By 2020, 30% of global enterprises will have strategically implemented DEM technologies or services, up from fewer than 5% today,” explains Will Cappelli, Gartner VP and author of Gartner’s Innovation Insight for Digital Experience Monitoring research note.

But what is Digital Experience Monitoring and how can it help you enable productivity?

Watch this webinar where Will Cappelli, Gartner VP, and Lakeside Software‘s Product Marketing Manager, Patricia Diaz, answer this question, talk about the DEM space and more!

By the end of this Digital Experience Monitoring webinar, you will know…

  • What is DEM and what is its business relevance
  • How DEM interplays with Application Performance Monitoring (APM), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Workspace Analytics
  • What are the technologies that support a DEM solution
  • What is a holistic Workspace Analytics solution
  • Which benefits you can expect from developing a Workspace Analytics and a DEM program
  • Who is Lakeside Software and what is our point of view on DEM
  • …and more!
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