
Do you have any questions? Ask SysTrack

The overarching theme of all the content we’ve created here has been trying make it easier to find interesting data and allow organizations to engage in intuitive information seeking behavior. If there’s anything the outgrowth of chat based interfaces has taught us, though, it’s that often the most meaningful way to bring the answers that users need to them it’s to allow them to craft their own questions in their own terms. So, the logical evolution here is to introduce a method to make it easier to get answers out of SysTrack with simple, natural language.

What is Ask SysTrack?

This is why Lakeside Software has partnered with IBM to use their Watson cognitive API library to introduce Ask SysTrack. This Natural Language Processing (NLP) question tool allows anyone to ask questions they may have for the SysTrack Workspace Analytics platform in basic, conversational form.

For example, say I want to find what my most heavily faulting application is. I can ask a simple question: “What application faults the most?”

Just asking that question gives me the most heavily faulting applications in order and even some other related things for me to look into if I’m interested.

Let’s say I wanted to find out specifically what’s wrong with a system.

Again, with a simple question I have the ability to know what this user has been having problems with lately.

With GA of SysTrack 8.2 this feature is now available for anyone, and I’d encourage you to check it out. You can download a white paper that expands on how it all works.

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