Responsible Use of AI

Lakeside Software Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence Statement
Effective Date/Last Updated: July 2024

As the leading IT data intelligence company and the only AI-driven digital employee experience platform, Lakeside Software recognizes the unprecedented potential that artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging machine learning technology offers to our customers and users. Lakeside Software is committed to the responsible innovation, development, and use of AI and associated technologies as we continue to provide our best-in-class SysTrack product to optimize digital workplaces, enhance user experience, and drive business performance.  

As we continue to employ the incredible power of AI in our product offerings, we believe it is our responsibility to do so with principled approaches. We recognize that any use of AI requires ethical considerations, preservation of trust, and data protection commitments. Lakeside Software believes that responsible AI use and development is essential to our continued success and to the advancement of our industry as a whole. 

This AI responsible use statement outlines Lakeside Software’s commitment to the following key principles: 

  1. Data Protection. Lakeside Software prioritizes protection of its customers’ data. All utilization of AI is designed and implemented with guardrails to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data. We will abide by our data protection policies when using AI and remain committed to ensuring data privacy and security for our users. Lakeside will only partner with AI providers with this same level of commitment to data security.  
  1. Transparency. Lakeside Software believes transparency with respect to its AI usage is crucial to building trust and understanding of our AI systems and their impact on our customers. In keeping with our transparent approach, we will provide a view of what data is being used and with whom it is being shared. We maintain a culture of open communication, ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of the capabilities and limitations associated with AI. 
  1. Reliability & Oversight. Lakeside Software implements comprehensive controls and risk mitigation strategies to minimize potential risks associated with AI and to operate in compliance with all applicable laws and industry standards. We strive to use and develop AI tools that are robust, resilient, and secure.  
  1. Compliance. Lakeside Software commits to ensure its ongoing compliance with evolving laws, regulations, and industry standards governing AI. We will continue to adapt and update our AI practices as required by the advancement in technology. 
  1. Equity & Inclusion. Lakeside Software will strive to evaluate all aspects of its AI usage with an inclusive lens. We will also seek to avoid any unjust or discriminatory impact in our AI usage. 

By adhering to this Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence Statement, Lakeside seeks to promote trust, encourage innovation, and ensure the responsible and beneficial use of AI technologies for the betterment of our customers, our business, and our industry as a whole. We will continue to learn, adapt, and refine our approach to AI integration by continuing to research, meet customer demands, and respond to societal trends.  

Lakeside Software has also formed an AI Governance Committee to ensure adherence to this statement and to the principles laid out here. The AI Governance Committee is responsible for ongoing evaluation and necessary updates to Lakeside Software’s AI practices. Given the speed at which AI is evolving and the transformative nature of technology, Lakeside Software reserves the right to modify and update this statement.